The one potato revolution

His latest work is A Life Well-Lived, a collection of photos and stories of people across Nebraska highlighting their stories from the past 50 years. These are photographs and stories of those who might be unremembered in the rush of history.

By Sharon Friedman  and dedicated to my children and to all good people.

I am not at the edge of any science nor am I a politician. What I am is a solution seeker and a thinker. The dangerous type who still thinks and believes we can all make a difference.

Here are my thoughts on making the world a better place for our children and ourselves as well.

1. One potato – Most people on this planet are not a part of the food production chain and that is a bad thing. The best way to teach people to be independent is in being independent and by growing a potato, some garnish, planting an apple tree or anything that suits your living conditions and abilities. By growing and eating our own food, we open a sliver in the wall of consumer and producer. We allow everyone to be a bit of a farmer and the more we open ourselves up to production by decentralization, we can increase the production by changing small things around us and by charging our circles of influence to change small things around us too.

2. Many potatoes – The ease in which a city can turn from a lifeless barren bunch of squares and lines to a living home to people and animals.

2.1 Each balcony can house one or more row of onions, potatoes or better yet, wild edible plants that are sturdier and require less care.

2.2 Change the sidewalks from cement corners to raised beds to grow carrots, potatoes and anything else the people choose to grow. 

2.3 Plant a fruit tree instead of shade trees

2.4 Replace public grasses with edible plants such as wheatgrass and other grasses that are edible or can be food for animals. 

2.5 Plant the barren fields with a mix of endemic crops to restore the soil and build a reserve of crops for anyone with legs. Create topsoil by using the biomass we discard daily down the drain and in trash bags.

2.6 Each building and house can make their own cooking and heating gas safely and easily by using the biomass (feces, scraps, meat and even nail clippings) to create mulch and fertilizer and methane. The methane when used to cook and heat creates CO2 and H2O.

2.7 Each Building and house  can store their own drinking water and be free of constant reliance on the grid. Water produced from moisture traps can be collected and added to the storage.

2.8 Incorporate an underground pantry for all buildings and houses to make use of the natural cooling affect of the ground.

2.9 Start using preservation methods, which require less chemicals and electricity. We used to live without electricity and were able to preserve meat, fruit and much more with canning and other methods and the food was non-reliant on electricity nor on harmful chemicals.

3. Energy is a sword many wield to control the masses. The production of it is now monitored and controlled by bodies with no concern for the public as they are removed from it.

3.1 Use wind turbines to supplement solar power on standalone devices so there is less need for infrastructure and as a way to produce energy no matter what.

3.2 Build new houses with an inner cooling tunnel to allow proper air circulation without need of excess power.

3.3 Bring back the gas refrigerator many devices are more efficient and can work without relying on a power grid.

3.4 Switch to led lights on all applicable devices. The patent to the led light was hidden for many years by electric companies. How many lives were lost because of this?

3.5 Build homes and when possible, neighborhoods with regard to the sun and wind where you build them to maximize the energy required to regulate temperature and circulation. The city of Tel Aviv in Israel is a great example of the negative affects of building without any thought to nature.

3.6 The energy used to build roads and buildings and vehicles is immense. We can lower it by building with care and with thought for the future. We used to build homes that lasted centuries. Now we build for decades and less. Roads exist today that were built thousands of years ago. Why are we building them so badly now.

4.The right to fix – many companies today build their devices and machines in a way to force everyone to buy again in a few months or years and without the ability to fix and modify the devices and vehicles and machines on their own. Even the warranties state boldly that if you service or try to fix your device yourself, warranty is void. This creates great waste and takes the power from the common man from fixing his own car, saw and electronic devices. Bring back the home fixes and the alteration so we can keep things working for longer and better than designed. Another front of this is software and operating systems. Many machines working slowly today and being discarded could remain in service for many years with other software and operating systems. Think of the savings and self-reliance this can bring.

4.1 The sewing machine – There are many subtle ways to control the public. One of them is the fashion industry where advertising and the offering to the public are a clear mark as to how we treat people and ourselves. One obvious way fashion attempts to sway the public opinion is by how children and teenagers are garbed in sexual ways as if they were tiny adults and not developing wonders. Another reason to own and know how to use a sewing machine is to be able to sew your own clothes, bags and mend things which can serve a lifetime and beyond. A sewing machine is more than a bobbin and strands of rope. It is yet another way to be free and wear what you consider proper clothes are.

5.The right to educate – The education system was famously or infamously created as a means to manufacture workers for the plants in the industrial revolution. There was and still is a clear intent to create drones for the ruling class who would follow orders without question and maintain the deference between the ruling thinking class and the obedient workers who are conditioned to take pride in memorization and climbing the rungs of the ladder placed before them by their masters. 

Home schooling and free schools are a better way in many cases and allow communities and families to educate their own children without others to minimize the child’s exposure to new ideas, new methods of learning and more. The school controlled by the local community will be responsible to answer to the community and will evolve with time to bring better and better education to the greatest resource humanity has which is the new generation. People are taught today by methods older than countries and time consuming. We can bring better and more affective methods for those among us with the best learning capabilities and potential by letting them solve problems and riddles, sing and write songs, build machines and grow their own food and make their own water.

6. Generational wealth – The family –  We have a current tendency to place old people in old people’s homes. They go and complain when we place our children with strangers and have to pay an arm and a leg to have our children away from family and under the indoctrination of strangers with agendas we know nothing about.

6.1. Grandparents are a great aid for the grandkids in playing, teaching, guarding and passing on traditions of the family, the tribe and the nation.

6.2 Grandparents have the knowledge to help new parents on how to raise their children and this negates the need for outside aid which always comes at a cost of lost choices and individuality. The grandparents are a placeholder for the greater family and this refers to the tribe which can bring up a child properly with all the care, love and knowledge of several generations and occupations.

6.3 Generational wealth means there are traditions in the family and tribe. Stronger connections to build a stronger tightly knit community. Communities can invest in bigger projects such as fish pools, local schools, gardens and much more.

7. Generational wealth – Physical – Why do we reset with each generation? Why does a new family need to purchase new homes, new tools, new land and all with the current market place prices which do not favor the average family holdings. The decimation of the tribe is one of the greatest victories over the old ways. The loss of knowledge, guidance and aid, community, customs, assets and holdings and not to mention, pride has helped many governments and companies in separating people from their roots and making them controlled, programmed faceless people with no distinction.

7.1 Skills – in a larger family or community, there can be a plumber, a lawyer, a nurse and a tech person. All these available for consultation for the family and able to reduce cost to the entire family within reason. The more self reliant we are, less control can be exacted over us by companies and authorities.

7.2 Assets are the word never taught in authoritarian schools. We are blinded and lead to work for money and take false pride in making more and more for the shareholder and the owners or the state. Badges mean nothing when you spend most of your life working for someone else and end up broken and alone on the other end. There is a reason this word is never discussed in class. It rivals the requirements of the ruling class for obedient slaves. That is also the actual reason for the death or inheritance tax. The wealthy do not pay it as it is the never dying company which holds the funds and assets. A family can build long-standing assets and create a body such as a firm or holding to keep it living in the family. Assets from shares, to land to heirlooms and even good tools which can be passed from father to son can amount to the difference between dying fighting the war of someone else and growing old with grace and with your family around you.

In the great depression in America, many households survived without money or electricity. How did they do it? They had a very small piece of land they tilled and worked daily for very few hours and they had a few chickens or a cow and that was enough to live through all of that. Today there are millions living in cities who will perish and perish in a terrible way if the lines of supply are cut for a week. Consider how many children today have no chance if there is a blip in the delicate supply chains. There is visible slavery and invisible slavery. We must create our lifestyle freely instead of choosing between a few fake slots in the stables of a faceless baron.

8. Initiative – Never wait for the government and authorities to start the revolution for you. Start growing the potato. Open a tracking and scouting circle in your area. Plant edible plants in the open areas. Learn and teach skills from auto repair to painting. Restrict the authority of anyone over yourself and your own people. There is great strength in nations but healthy nations are made of families and individuals and the homogeneous vulnerable masses are not the marrow or the bone.

9. Disconnect to connect – Take the earphone off, place the mobile phone in the backpack, close the computer and play with your kids and do so daily and weekly. Through separation from these agents of sensory intoxication, we rebuild our connection to our own thoughts, feelings and body. It is easy to get swept away in the media stream. Our senses are overwhelmed by all the bright colors, sound and drama. Learn to appreciate the small stuff such as the scent of the earth, the sound of silence and the connection of being with other humans and exchanging ideas instead of repeating what was blasted at you on the electronic channels.

10. Bring back the playground – Kids and most adults live dull lives without some amount of play. A good playground with ropes, bars, ladders, swings, baskets  and more helps the youth build their physical awareness, play and form friendships and learn to speak and connect with others. Healthy bodies are stronger and require less doctors and age more gracefully. Adults, who can also use the playground to teach skills, maintain and grow their health, balance and enjoy playing with their friends, neighbors and children.

 11. Use your own words – One of the wars fought these days is about wording and phrasing and in many so called democracies, the common can be jailed for not calling a nut a tomato and having to call things and people by names and descriptions which change faster than the color of a ripe banana.

Whenever words, phrases and types of speak are thrust upon using media and authoritative methods such as speeches and the indoctrination system which is the education system. It is our duty to defend our way of life by choosing our words wisely and remove from power anyone who aims to stand above us.

12. The law comes to serve the man – 

12.1 A suggestion that with each new law, three old laws must be removed. There are so many laws and regulations now that no man can know or be free of all.

12.2 Any body which holds power wants more. Laws are a tool of the governing body to exert control over the people. Force the people in power to make laws to limit themselves and never the people. Do this by voting with your wallet and voice, by speaking your mind and by non compliance to the small steps cowards behind the curtains use to lul people into hell.

13. Plant trees you will never see bloom – The long game is either a tool a man uses for freedom or a tool someone else uses to enslave others. Be wise in thinking ahead and past your own lifetime. True legacy is in our children but also in writing books, building community, starting a first that will be a forest in one hundred years and building a house that can house several generations because it is built stout even if it costs a bit more than the paper mache homes people live in today.

14. War and other disasters – War is known to serve those who sit behind big tables and kill the hopes of generations and leave children and women pray for human trafficking which is a laundered term for slavery and organ harvesting. War is just a placeholder. The four horsemen of the apocalypse are always riding and pulling the chariot of the power hungry.

14.1 WAR –  Make armies defend the borders of the nation and nothing more.

14.2 FAMINE –  There is no famine when the growing of food is decentralized, diverse instead of single crops and the storage is not energy dependent or in one place with armed guards around it to ward off hungry people whose money becomes worthless overnight. 

14.3 DEATH –  There is no death when there is no face. Disallow people in government from hiding from the public and disallow keeping secrets from the public as is the norm today.

14.4 CONQUEST – Control of others is the drug of choice for those who succumb to temptation and their own importance. Make the money trail visible so public funds are not relocated from public needs to fuel the wants of hidden agendas.

15. Two term limit on all public offices – Many make their money and career in the so called public service. Many clerks and officials control funds and decisions that affect millions and they continue to do so during an entire lifetime. Why not shrink the public service and limit terms and time spent in positions of power to lower the risk of abuse of power.

16. Barter, cash, gold and goods – The more people in government and in companies know about you and the more you are remote from your buying power, the easier anyone is to eliminate, monitor and control. Government money is fiat and can be altered by printing of bills and other acts of tyranny., There is no power that is given and then given back from the government. Most of the money in circulation today has no physical representation nor any connection to hard goods such as gold and land.

17. The single no and civil disobedience – In a democracy, the rule of the majority is king. There is good and bad within this premise. In a better arrangement, anyone can separate themselves from the faceless mob created by the majority and stand apart without harm. This can be used to diffuse people’s need to feel right and belong to a group and maintain a higher level of both freedom of the individual without it becoming weaponized by the state to force obedience to something a group said yes to but many others have not.

18. Financial longevity in the household – A well known and widely used gambit companies and governments use is to enter a market with undercutting prices to weed out the competition who has a shorter longevity in terms of resources and reach. This allows the big to bully the small and the financial education of individuals in each country is lacking and the long game and in the diversification of incomes and assets or crops and holdings. There is a distinct need for great efforts in space exploration, science and projects such as bridge building and the like. There is however a need for balance between the two ends and a visibility especially when government or people in government as it should be demystified, plunge their hands into such funds and holdings.

19. Planting trees you will never see bloom yet again – Longevity of a culture and of family trees with their own rings and intersections relies on a premise where we build toward a future we will never see. Going back to the theme of family trees and generational wealth, I urge all to consider looking past their lifetime and into their children’s lifespan and consider their choices and actions with regard to a far away future. Buying a piece of land and starting a business have both short term and long term effects. The same goes for choosing where to live and who to represent the family values in court and in government. Fight for the future and the present will weigh less on you knowing you are building a better future and pass this on to the next generations . 

An example for a long term investment would be an investment in traditions that can be passed onto the next generation and build ties between generations. Celebrating yearly events with meaningful gathering and with doing things together. 

Invest in your family health by growing medicinal plants and sharing the load with your family, letting all of them partake in growing and using the plants. Sharing and growing the way of life will allow families and tribes to maintain themselves and evolve 

20. Weekly Monthly and yearly purchases – There is a saying stating it is the easiest task to hide in plain sight. We do see what is in front of us but we fail to register it as it becomes less interesting to our lizard brain when it does not register as an immediate danger. 

A small nudge in a railway station can go unnoticed but a strong surprising shove when the train is coming in can end up in death and trauma to many. The same goes on on a monetary level. We the people work mostly for fiat money which represents our time and effort and ingenuity. We the people also spend it by paying taxes on our income which makes little sense as we are paying for the right to work or else sent to prison, we bleed our hard earned fiat money by paying for many small and insignificant tokens such as coffee served in plastic cups, We pay for the appearance of richness which grant us no more time with our children and does not help us gain freedom from the so called rat race. Self limiting out purchases to once a week, once a month and once a year of appropriate goals such as assets, goods and food will reconnect us to the lizard brain and alert us when we give away the power we amassed by being swayed by people and organizations whose whole purpose is to hide our humanity from ourselves and herding us toward the cliff of monetary spending and being a dependent both mentally and emotionally.

21. Top soil health – There is no life without top soil. It is responsible for growing everything we eat from the land and the only other source of food is the sea. Animals feed off the ground and what grows on and in the ground and the cycle of nutrients which includes us, the less hairy apes, needs our awareness. Topsoil today is being harmed and aquifers are being poisoned by heavy use of pesticides and non organic fertilizer which causes damage to the ground and the animals living close to it, the water and to us and the animal world in turn. 

There are better and cheaper ways to keep and grow topsoil which involves no further investment in funds and the use of readily available methods such as cover cropping, composting, mulching, natural pest management in the form of chickens and bio char to list just a few. There is even a possibility to use fishpools to create water rich with nutrients to water the fields where a household without topsoil can create topsoil on their own over time.  The earth and we the people have an untapped potential for healing and growth. We can use what we already produce from food scraps and our own excrement to help the cycle of nutrients and become healthier and more productive and aware at the same time. 

Those who created the chain of bombarding fields with pesticides and damaging fertilizer wish to continue to capitalize on the chain in their short sighted view. We can shift the tide by choosing to grow one potato and to make decisions to lead healthier lives and control the chain instead of placing it on our necks with each bite of pesticide filled non organic food we overpay for. 

22. Manners maketh man – The insult culture and the victim mentality these days are weaponized to the fullest by individuals and groups. Those who claim the high ground of morality use an age-old scheme the church and almost anyone used to harness people into unquestioned service. Those who claim they want to save the children usually are the ones selling them in the dead of night to other irredeemable souls.

The energy people put into manipulation has many manifestation and all of them end up in the equation of “I feel hurt, therefore I shall tell everyone how to act and appropriate resources I did not contribute in creating” This guise is used to attack, smear and excommunicate anyone daring to oppose or expose these groups and there is no etiquette they do not cross in their lies and cries for false justice. How can we fight such an organized and encompassing phenomena?  

The butterfly effect demonstrates how small acts affect our world well beyond the power invested in taking the first step in a new direction. That is, when we forgo the mental and emotional energy routed to leave the stream of conformity and create a sole print where no man has gone before. Say “no”, Say “so what” and remember always that few really care for each individual as most just want others to serve them in the current atmosphere. Faceless people pray on the weak and the weak are so because their roots have been cut by a society which values conformity of thought above the expression of self. Both are required and the balance between them is always a war fought in every conversation and every act we take.

23. There is only one right answer – This teaching is one of the best markers of a dictatorial regime and a doctrine aiming to strip you of any choices except the ones they place before you, much like horse blinder work to limit the vision of a horse so it keep serving their master and plow the field until they are taken to the slaughterhouse. 

Almost any question we ask which deals with the real world has more than one answer and many have as many answers as there are people. Do you like apples? Does this code work for the required task and more and more. These answers also change with time and what was right yesterday many not be right, right now. There is a difference between what is true and what is right. One plus one may be always two but dropping a one pound hammer on your big toe is not half as painful as dropping a two pound hammer on that poor toe. Please do not test this theory and if you must. Do it on yourself after you read about the Darwin awards.

Experiments affect reality and testing your questions changes both the world and the person and that is significant. When there is a society with one right answer there is a dead cow rotting in the well water but because someone said so, everyone is still drinking the water and commenting on the tangy taste, imminent death has. 

24. No culture knows best on all fronts – There is an aura to success which blinds the edges of that success and mars the lines between success and normality to a degree where a person who is successful in one field receives an audience when speaking about subjects where the person shows little to no competence or experience. The same applies when we regard and judge our own culture and other cultures. We may appreciate an aspect of one culture thus blinding ourselves to many other facets of it. Appreciate and evaluate things on their own merit and know no one holds all the answers.

25. Divorce the alleged unity between the nation and the government. We the people choose a government to some extent. There are so many people who make decisions who are not elected and the election itself is from a very narrow pool of people seeking power. The nation is the people and not the government. Always make the distinction and always remember it is people in government and not some body with any wisdom who is making decisions with your lives, your funds and your children.

I urge you to start right now. 

Start small or big but start now.

Your time is important and things and people take time to grow


Sharon Friedman


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