Here we are

The martial art of walking

Hello There

Here you are welcome to read and view material and contact me for more. Together we learn and grow.

Who am I ?

A student and teacher

A father and son

A partner on the way that never ends.

Welcome to Vigilance and Tranquility

Connect with me:


Beyond the site

One on One

Online and in person classes tailored to your needs with follow up and focus on your goals in all scales of humanity

Tailored workshops

Group seminars and workshops in the theme of your liking. Nature living, scouting and tracking, fighting with hands weapons and the mind

Breath practice

We all breathe but are we aware. The practice brings deeper awareness and abilities to the surface, increases health and energy and allows for freedom from within and the tensions above the surface

Tailored programs

Tailored plans to bring you from where you are to where you want to by and beyond. Video and written plans, follow up and video calls and guidance to shorten the way to the next stage of your evolution.